How long have you been certified with NFPT?

I have been certified with NFPT for almost 2 years, since June 2019.

Why did you choose NFPT?

I chose NFPT because of the in depth knowledge they provide for one to become an effective trainer. Also, because it is affordable I am able to take on extra courses to expand my knowledge.

Why did you decide to become a fitness professional?

I decided to become a fitness professional because I have always been active since I was 9 years old, starting with Martial Arts. Movement has always been a part of my life and I truly believe that “Movement is medicine.”

What is the biggest challenge for you as a personal trainer?

My biggest challenge as a Personal Trainer is building my own business outside of the company I work for. There’s so much “competition” in the world of social media, that it has forced to be more creative and consistent with my content creating process.

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What is your biggest accomplishment in the fitness industry?

My biggest accomplishment in the fitness industry is a fairly simple one: having a handful of clients who have been with me for almost 10 years (8 years or more). It gives me confidence that even though I still have much to learn and grow, that I am making a positive impact in people’s lives.


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What has been your most rewarding experience as a personal trainer?

I think my most rewarding experience as a Personal Trainer goes along with the previous question; but in addition, some clients have become like family. Spending birthdays and holidays with them shows me that I have much to offer and I have made genuine connections.

How has social media played a role in your fitness business?Carlos2

Social media has made me become more creative and consistent in building/creating content to help build my business. Whether it’s posting workouts, or even an inspirational quote here and there, it has helped me build a slowly growing following.

How has COVID-19 affected your business and career path?

COVID has made me dive into the realm of virtual classes, which I have considered doing in the past but never got around to. I actually finally published my first website, because of these times. It has been rough, but it has taught me that I can broaden my horizons.

Any advice for people thinking about a career in fitness?

My advice to anyone considering a career in fitness is to be patient, diligent, and hungry for knowledge. Times will be tough at times, but if this is what you love to do then you will have to work harder during the tough times.

What does the future hold for you and for the fitness industry?

I hope to grow my online presence even greater, and get back to training my clients in person. I used to want to open my own gym, but now I feel virtual is the way to go, and I hope to pack my classes to capacity one day!

Is there anything else exciting you would like to share?

Carlos3My family and I are hoping to purchase a home within the next two years! So building that virtual presence and following will be essential so I can train my clients no matter where I end up!

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Michele Rogers

NFPT Publisher Michele Rogers, MA, NFPT-CPT, manages and coordinates educational blogs and social media content for NFPT. She’s been a personal trainer for 20 years with a lifetime passion for all things health and fitness. Her mission is to raise kinesthetic awareness and nurture a mind-body connection. After battling chronic lower back pain and becoming a parent, Michele aims her training approach to emphasize corrective exercise and pain resolution. She holds a master’s degree in applied health psychology from Northern Arizona University. Follow Michele on Instagram.