The wind is biting. Pumpkins are caving in on themselves. The first frost is on your windshield. It is this time of year that we usually see people starting to break out their winter jackets, hat and gloves. And, for a lot of men, beards. As an all-year-round beard connoisseur, I know that during these bone-chilling months, a full face of hair is a comforting thing. But, one non-profit organization has changed that forever.
Movember is a non-profit that is dedicated to help raise awareness for men’s health issues. Specifically, prostate and testicular cancer initiatives. They accomplish this by asking men (Mo Bros) to help raise awareness by growing mustaches
(Mo’s) for the month of Movember (the month formerly known as November). Supported by the women in their lives (Mo Sistas), Movember Mo Bros raise funds by seeking out sponsorship for their Mo-growing efforts.
While it sounds ridiculous, the cause is not. One man in 6 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men. And this year alone, 1 man in 36 will die of prostate cancer. It is a serious issue and Movember’s word-of-mouth campaigning raises awareness to the max!
And it is working! In 2011 alone, over 854,000 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas raised $126.3 million. Over 80% of those funds are committed to programs supporting prostate and testicular cancer initiatives like the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG Foundation.
Instead of donning our “winter fur”, here at NFPT we have shaved to wear, instead, mustaches. We hope that you decide to join us on this venture for a true class of gentlemen. NFPT is changing the face of men’s health. And you could too. With a mustache.