Most people have taken a personality test or been labeled introvert/extrovert at some point in their lives. Perhaps it’s a claim you made about yourself or a label someone else stuck you with. Not everyone falls to one side of the scale or the other, but understanding where you are on this continuum helps you make better use of your time on social media – which leads to more business!

Introverts are generally identified as people who appreciate alone time in their own thoughts and feelings. They’re stereotyped as shy. Extroverts are categorized in the opposite way…social, public, and talkative. Be careful to make a judgment about which you think you are. Many introverts have learned to act like extroverts to thrive in the fitness field, which is a very social place to build a career. Perhaps you’re an extroverted introvert? (if there is such a thing)

If being with people is enjoyable, but tiring you might be a blend. We don’t all fit into a perfect mold.

Social media seems like the perfect platform for the introverted fitness professional. They can market themselves without having to be completely in the spotlight. But, extroverts usually love attention, so it seems great for them too!


Amanda Vogel, MA, is a social media consultant and presenter for the fitness industry and owner of, a blog that reviews health/fitness products. She says, “Many introverts like to carefully observe and listen to what others are saying—this is an especially beneficial skill to have in the social media space because there is so much content to listen to.”

Perhaps posting isn’t the path to success for the introvert. Utilize your listening skills to note what your audience wants and needs. Instead of uploading constant content, use your time more wisely by following your ideal customer online and honing in on how you can help them more effectively. Pay attention to what they’re sharing, saying and who they interact with.

Then, gear your marketing to their needs. Maybe pregnant women and new moms you follow are struggling to get motivated for exercise. Perhaps athletes in your news feed are concerned about preventing injuries. Being able to woo your customer in by speaking their language and offering services that they need is a marketing skill that people pay big bucks to learn, but might come naturally to the introverted personal trainer.


Social media seems like a playground for the outgoing personality. If your life is an open book, there’s no better place to share it. “Perhaps extroverts post a more public display of their daily lives, such as more selfies and more photos and videos of themselves in social situations.” says Vogel. Many people benefit from the way that some fitness professionals openly share their workout tips, exercises, challenges and stories with the world.

It’s very important to know who your audience is and what message you aim to deliver them. Having a niche or speciality makes it more clear and easy for someone to choose you as their leader. Posting body building photos to an audience who is struggling to do the bare minimum can be intimidating. Spend time contemplating what images and words are most impactful to your ideal client.


If you find yourself somewhere in the middle of “Introvert” and “Extrovert”, put both skill sets to work for your business. Split your time between researching your audience and posting for them. This seems to be the ideal anyhow. A little bit of both. Most importantly, have a plan, otherwise social media can be a time drain. As you can see, social media usage is as unique as the person clicking the share button. It’s important to know what your goals are for being on social media and how to maximize your natural personality skills. Just like in non-technology life!

Get more tips for social media tips for personal trainers:

Two Exercises for Social Media Strength

Tips for FacebookInstagramTwitterYouTube

Then, come over to our Facebook page and say hello! Tell us whether you’re more introverted or extroverted and what your social media strategies are.

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Beverly Hosford

Beverly Hosford, MA teaches anatomy and body awareness using a skeleton named Andy, balloons, play-doh, ribbons, guided visualizations, and corrective exercises. She is an instructor, author, and a business coach for fitness professionals. Learn how to help your clients sleep better with in Bev’s NFPT Sleep Coach Program and dive deeper into anatomy in her NFPT Fundamentals of Anatomy Course.