Certification Exam (Test-Only Option)


Already Know Your Stuff?

Skip the preparation materials and just take the NFPT certification exam. You’ll receive a detailed exam content outline and a voucher for one exam attempt. NFPT education materials and other exam preparation resources are not included.


Complete the Form. ADD TO CART to GET STARTED.

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
Do you have a high school education or the equivalent?*
Do you agree to uphold the NFPT Codes of Conduct?*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
You must be 18 years old to enroll.

NFPT’s exam-only package is for you to just take the exam. It does not include the NFPT educational materials or other exam preparation resources.

What You Receive:

  • An outline of the exam content
  • One exam attempt at a testing site or in the comfort of your home

The Exam-Only Option helps:

  • Participants in a Hands-On Workshop
  • Students who have successfully completed an NFPT Education Partner preparation course
  • Experienced personal trainers with one or more certifications from other accredited personal training programs
  • People with a thorough fitness background and/or a degree in the exercise sciences

Important Details

  • Test at 400+ sites worldwide or test from home
  • Choose your exam day, up to one year after enrollment
  • Pay no additional fee to take the exam
  • Answer 120 multiple-choice questions in two hours
  • Earn 750/1000 points to pass

The Process

  1. Add to Cart and Check Out to receive an exam voucher for immediate access to NFPT certification exam scheduling.
  2. Check your email for your NFPT identification number and account login details.
  3. Schedule your certification exam at a location near you within one year of enrollment.

Call 800-729-6378 or email [email protected] with questions. Thank you for choosing NFPT!

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