Cancer Recovery Specialist

Guide cancer patients through recovery with techniques for lasting wellness.

Just the Facts

  • NFPT CECs = 2.0 CEC Guarantee More info
  • Est. Prep/Completion Time = 12 hours
  • Price = $159

About the Course

Achieve the education and earn the credential to start training clients recovering from cancer. A Cancer Recovery Specialist is a fitness professional who supports long-term recovery by supplementing medical treatment with hands-on fitness principles.

Thriving Through Fitness

In the Cancer Specialist course, you’ll learn to design exercise programs for cancer survivors and people currently undergoing cancer treatment. You can help your clients reinvigorate their physical health, fortify their mental well-being and increase their confidence to take on fitness activities again. With the skills you develop in this course, you’ll make a positive impact in your clients’ lives through your dedication to their plan for recovery.

Is This Course Right for You?

If you have compassion for those who have experienced a cancer diagnosis, you can support their recovery as they safely bounce back with renewed vigor. With the skills you learn in the Cancer Specialist course, you can help cancer survivors pursue a gentle fitness program that will improve their physical and mental well-being through a variety of exercise, strengthening and stretching techniques. Certified personal trainers who earn this Advanced Specialty Certificate can create effective exercise plans for clients with cancer so that they can maintain and improve their quality of life while avoiding injury.

What You Get

  • Ebook
  • Online test and practice test
  • 45-minute strength training video
  • Education support from the course author
  • Advanced specialty certificate
  • Certificate of completion
  • 2.0 CECs

* Order a print manual during checkout, if you prefer

Continuing Education Process

Education Objectives

  • Design safe and effective exercise plans specifically for cancer patients
  • Explore mindful stretching, including both targeted and total body stretches
  • Explore active and passive range-of-motion exercises
  • Identify proper strength training methods, including adaptations
  • Review posture, balance and core strengthening techniques
  • Become familiar with the challenges of cancer patients, such as osteoporosis and lymphedema
  • Understand what fitness looks like after breast, gynecological and prostate cancer


  • Take the multiple choice test online
  • Answer 65 questions in one hour
  • Score 70% to pass
  • Get test results instantly
  • Retest once for free