MS Fitness Training Specialist Learn mental and physical exercises to help clients who have multiple sclerosis.
Just the Facts
- NFPT CECs = 2.0 CEC Guarantee
- Est. Prep/Completion Time = 10 hours
- Price = $179
About the Course
Despite the common misconception that those who live with multiple sclerosis (MS) should remain inactive, resting and sedentary, the opposite is true. Clients who have MS should be encouraged, active and moving. You can help get MS clients to a better mental and physical place with this course. Take your knowledge to the next level and learn safe and effective training techniques to affect positive change for MS clients.
This is an Advanced Specialty Certificate
Earning an MS Fitness Training Specialist Certificate does not require continuing education for maintenance. However, as NFPT delivers new educational information and future research results, you will be expected to review and confirm your understanding of updates that are specific to the safe and effective training of clients who have multiple sclerosis.
More than Just Training
The MS Fitness Training Specialist Course is an advanced specialty course that teaches certified personal trainers how to safely advise clients who live with multiple sclerosis in an encouraging and active way. You’ll learn to understand MS clients’ daily struggles, needs and limitations and you’ll become qualified to provide them personal training services using the full exercise programs from the course manual and video. Those diagnosed with multiple sclerosis often feel hopeless as symptoms can be debilitating and physically and mentally exhausting. But there is hope. Through these wellness and training techniques, you can be the catalyst for positive change in the lives of your clients.
David Lyons, author of this course and founder of the MS Fitness Challenge, knows these struggles firsthand and will help you to help others. You will receive continuing education credits for this course but, more than that, you gain the understanding to support your clients’ desire to live a happier, healthier life no matter what they face.
Is This Course Right for You?
If you are a certified personal trainer or an allied health professional, the MS Fitness Training Specialist Course will help you understand what it takes to train clients who live with multiple sclerosis. Exercise after an MS diagnosis is crucial for overall well being. Learn to improve the quality of your clients’ lives through specific types of exercises for both physical and mental wellness. This advanced specialty continuing education course for already-certified personal trainers lays the groundwork to train clients with multiple sclerosis. After completing this course, you earn an MS Fitness Training Specialist credential.
What You Get
- Ebook with exercises*
- 21-minute exercise program video
- Education support from course author
- Online test
- Advanced specialty certificate
- 2.0 CECs
* Order a printed manual at checkout, if you prefer
Continuing Education Process
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Check Your Email
NFPT will send course instructions and education preparation material to you.
Take the Test
When you’re ready, log in to your NFPT Account and take the test. You’ll receive your certificate of completion and CECs when you pass.
Education Objectives
- Understand symptoms, limitations and current treatments of multiple sclerosis
- Describe how multiple sclerosis is diagnosed
- Recognize the importance and emotional implications of improved fitness
- Identify clients’ nutritional options
- Implement basic exercises that are essential in an MS fitness routine
- Design safe and effective workout regimens around limitations
“I can’t believe I have qualified and passed the MS Fitness Training Specialist Course! Being a personal trainer and also suffering with MS, this qualification means a lot to me and I hope to help many people with MS like me achieve better fitness. The workbook and knowledge that you are given to learn and read through is second to none. I have actually started to use some of the training methods with a client who has MS. Even though I suffer with the illness, some of the knowledge I now have through taking this course I didn’t think of or realize. Any trainers who have clients who suffer with MS or trainers thinking of going into this area, then this is a course and qualification they need to have. Can’t wait to start making a difference in the MS community here in the UK like the MS Fitness Challenge trainers are doing in America.”
— Lachlan Charles MacKinnon
- Take the multiple choice test online
- Answer 60 questions in an hour
- Score 70% to pass
- Get instant test results
- Retest once for free
Course Partners
MS Fitness Challenge provides a scholarship for this course once a month based on current scholarship application entries. You are eligible for the scholarship if you train a client with multiple sclerosis and the MS Fitness Challenge can connect you to clients in your area who need you. If you earn the scholarship, you will be reimbursed the course fee after you have passed the test and trained your first MS client.
Every Rep is a Step is a network that provides support and continued education in the ongoing battle against multiple sclerosis. Join this group of experts when you become an MS Fitness Training Specialist and they can connect you with the clients who need you most.
NFPT is a proud supporter of the MedFit Network. You receive a discounted membership in the MedFit Network as a participant in the MS Fitness Training Specialist Course. Upon successful course completion, NFPT will send you the details of this opportunity to be recognized and connected with medical fitness clients in your area.