A free health and fitness resource for personal trainers
Focus on Senior Muscle

Focus on Senior Muscle

The miracle of weight training is that it actually slows muscle tissue loss associated with aging. In fact, it’s possible to regain some muscle that may have been lost to injury or inactivity.

Sleep: Not to Be Taken Lightly

Sleep: Not to Be Taken Lightly

As a species, humans spend about a third of their lives sleeping. That might not be surprising, considering that sleep allows the body to recover from the activities of the two thirds spent awake.

Prescription Drug Overdoses Declared an Epidemic

Prescription Drug Overdoses Declared an Epidemic

Taking over-the-counter medications for dealing with post-workout soreness is a fairly common practice. But mixing over-the-counter pain medications with prescription pain medications such as opioids significantly raises the risk of a fatal overdose.

Trainer Pics2

What’s a “CPT”?

Certified Personal Trainer, CPT, is the title and accompanying acronym used in the personal fitness training industry for an individual who has been appropriately assessed…

Helping a Client Return to Exercise after Injury

Helping a Client Return to Exercise after Injury

Returning to exercise after a sports-related injury can be a trying time for an active person. Viewed in a positive light, it can be a time to try new ways of performing familiar exercises and gain new insights in the process.

Helping Clients Visualize the Core

Helping Clients Visualize the Core

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then picture how efficient it can be to describe a training concept or even anatomical system in simple visual terms. Take, for example, “the core”.

CNN Mentions NFPT

CNN Mentions NFPT

A couple weeks ago, CNN mentioned NFPT in an article for their fitness blog. They referenced some of our research regarding personal trainer salaries. The…

Comparing Nutrient & Energy Density in Foods

Comparing Nutrient & Energy Density in Foods

Aside from the oft-cited fact that muscle tissue is more dense than fat, there are other forms of density at work in human physiology that bear consideration in personal training. Some of them are measures of food and drink before they are ever ingested.

Putting Variety to Work

Putting Variety to Work

Variety in programming is often used to sustain client interest, but it’s also a great means of making gains through resistance exercise.

Carbohydrates: A 10,000 Foot View

Carbohydrates: A 10,000 Foot View

Sometimes looking at things from a distance can help to see the big picture. Such is the case with many aspects of human physiology, including the body’s use of carbohydrates for fuel.