A free health and fitness resource for personal trainers
Another Look at Sugar

Another Look at Sugar

Sugar occurs naturally in many foods and is added to many more. Whether it is used as a flavoring agent, as a preservative, or as both, it’s easy to get too much of this “sweet” thing.

Protein Needs for Athletes

Protein Needs for Athletes

We all need to consume some amount of protein on a regular basis, but just how much can vary according to a person’s lifestyle and athletic focus.

Epigenetics: Harness the Power to Change Your DNA

Epigenetics: Harness the Power to Change Your DNA

Nature versus Nurture: this age-old topic has been at the root of more scientific and social psychology debates than just about any other subject over the past several decades. The notion that genetics loads the pistol and society pulls the trigger is gaining in popularity, carrying with it the implication that forces around us may actually have a powerful influence on that with which Mother Nature endowed us at birth. The emerging field of study known as epigenetics is studying this specific phenomenon.

Understanding Repetitive Motion Disorders

Understanding Repetitive Motion Disorders

A repetitive motion disorder (RMD) is a physical condition that results from repeated motions made in the course of normal work, athletic activity, and just going about the business of everyday life.

Fat by the Numbers

Fat by the Numbers

Wouldn’t it be great if every part of improving or maintaining our health could be reduced to a numeric equation?

National Federation of Professional Trainers

Is NFPT Recognized?

Yes, NFPT is recognized nationally and internationally as well. NFPT has certified trainers for 25+ years and is often times part of the pre-reqs to…