Information on what people should be eating to become healthy and stay healthy can be found just about everywhere you turn, from tabloids in supermarket checkout lanes, to Internet pop-up ads.
Information on what people should be eating to become healthy and stay healthy can be found just about everywhere you turn, from tabloids in supermarket checkout lanes, to Internet pop-up ads.
READ MOREAthletes often focus on developing a specific set of muscles needed for a particular sport, often overlooking the importance of core stability.
READ MOREThe core is where the most of the body’s power is derived. It provides the foundation for all movements of the arms and legs. The core must therefore be strong and be capable of dynamic flexibility and synergistic function in its movements in order to achieve maximum performance.
READ MORESooner or later, either you or your clients may require major foot surgery. That’s why it is important to know what foot surgery can involve and what post-operative exercises can be used.
READ MOREWhen we as health care or fitness professionals meet someone for the first time, we are assessing them as soon as we meet them, as we talk to them and during the formal portion. Why do we do this?
READ MOREShort and sassy, long and silky, braids or dreadlocks or Mohawks. Regardless of the shade or color, our choice of hairstyle can speak volumes about our personalities. It may be surprising to note that our hair also has another voice, that which decries our overall health and well being.
READ MOREWith the ongoing talk about cholesterol, it’s important to remember that the human body requires the stuff just to survive. As with many things in life, the issue is one of balance.
READ MOREAfter amino acids have been taken up into muscle tissue, they serve two basic purposes with respect to muscle conditioning.
READ MORESometimes less equals more, even when it comes to running shoes. Studies have shown that the footwear that someone wears can influence the gait the individual uses.
READ MOREIf you are a runner, you are probably aware of the popularity of the book “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall. The book discussed how the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico were able to run so many miles barefoot on very rugged terrain very well and not get injured.
READ MORETraining the endurance athlete presents a special situation for personal trainers: It’s likely that these athletes have already achieved an extremely high level of fitness before seeking out the services of a personal trainer.
READ MOREOne of the many benefits of research is that we learn to fine tune exercises, so that they are not only effective, but also safe. Unfortunately, many exercise instructors do not update their knowledge; they continue to teach outdated movements that are known as contraindicated exercises.